Jika kita berbicara tentang cinta, maka disitu ada human connection (koneksi antar manusia). Kali ini... kita berbicara bagaimana kita bisa jatuh cinta. Jika kita memandang buruk dalam mengetahui apa itu cinta, kita sudah pernah mendengar dan bahkan tidak asing lagi jika berbicara terkait cinta pada pandangan pertama ini. Ada banyak sekali argumen yang bertolak belakang atas pernyataan sebelumnya, dan anda tahu bahwa anda mungkin tidak punya pengetahuan yang cukup tentang orang tersebut yang baru saja anda kenal atau temui, anda tidak bisa menikah dengan pangeran dari negara lain dengan baru hanya bertemu dengannya hari ini. Come on..Let it go...
Anda tidak tau karakteristik kepribadian si doi, anda bahkan tidak tau sikap si doi seperti apa, seseorang kemungkinan besar menarik, tetapi anda butuh lebih dari itu agar bisa menjadi kenyataan, menjadi real romantic love, tetapi tidak bisa sepenuhnya dikatakan benar.
Menurut Dr. Aaron Ben Z EV, mantan presiden di universitas Haifa, dan mereka mengatakan bahwa pada cinta padangan pertama, high value accorded sesuai dengan penampilan eksternal lain yang diproyeksikan ke karakteristik internalnya. Cinta pada pandangan pertama sering menyesatkan karena lebih didasarkan pada imajinasi daripada pada penglihatan visual. LOL
Namun, itu masih bisa dicintai, dan seringkali sangat intense. Prof. Ben Z EV menyimpulkan bahwa cinta pada pandangan pertama adalah bentuk intens dari cinta yang romantis. Mari kita anggap itu sebagai suntikan cinta sebagai opposite dengan petualangan cinta yang panjang, bahwa suntikan cinta itu bisa berkembang menjadi lebih dari apa yang dipikrikan. You can have a shot and then also have a full meal, jika karakteristik seseorang end up matching, asumsi dari imajinasi yang anda buat saat pertama berjumpa. Bisa dibilang, kamu keluar ke suatu tempat, dan melihat seseorang, dan you are like Bam shot a love dan I got a flirt, beruntungnya sains disini ada buat kalian. Flirting bisa dikatakan seperti studi psikologis orang lain yang kamu uji atau tes untuk melihat respon mereka seperti yang kamu harapkan, jika dia bisa berargumen atau berdebat dengan anda secara mental, if its all clicking, you know there is nothing quite like meeting someone flirting with them and having everything work out.
Menurut studi oleh Corrine Ferriss dari Universitas Indiana departemen psikologis dan sains otak, seorang anak muda susah untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara teman wanita yang sangat ramah dengan wanita yang tertarik untuk sesuatu yang lebih. Because something flirting seperti perilaku halus dimana seorang lelaki mencoba mewarnai semua bentuk komunikasi ini dengan kuas yang besar, hanya untuk melihat apa yang mereka inginkan, benar? sebuah studi diperiksa dalam hal komunikasi nonverbal dalam 280 undergraduate students dalam suatu kelompok, didalamnya ada lelaki dan perempuan dengan rata-rata umurnya 20 tahun, murid-murid membuka foto laki dan wanita di layar komputer, mereka tidak bahkan tertarik dengan manusia yang real, and the subjects would then categorize each picture as friendly sexually interested, sad or rejecting, but it wasnt just that guys thought the smallest nonverbal cues were come-on the opposite was also found to be true, they also think that the woman's sexual advances are just them being friendly so sometimes they cant even tell the difference between friend and flirt and then flirt and friend, man whats wrong with us, sometimes when people are flirting those messages are just getting completely scrambled which is probably why its better to communicate more than less the study concluded that women categorized men's intentions more correctly but both men and women are going to benefit from talking it out rather than just making assumptions women are just better at picking it out of the crowd there is actually a way to turn interest or flirtatious behavior into a deep love connection as well in a study conducted by psychologist Arthur Aaron, all you have to do is ask a series of questions and then stare at someone not in a creepy way they have to stare at you too and they have to want to do this a series of questions exists according to Arthur Aaron that can make people fall in love, the idea is you become open and vulnerable at an accelerated rate, so, according to the study's author one key pattern associated with the development of a close relationship among peers is sustained escalating reciprocal personal self disclosure, let me say one more time sustained escalating reciprocal personal self disclosure, talk about yourself in increasing ways it makes you feel good and also is reciprocated over time after the questions were asked the two participants in the study were told to stare into each other's eyes for up to 4 minutes after that boom love baby this was a very highly reported study but interestingly, being in love, it doesnt mean you going to spend the rest of your life with that person.
Menurut studi oleh Corrine Ferriss dari Universitas Indiana departemen psikologis dan sains otak, seorang anak muda susah untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara teman wanita yang sangat ramah dengan wanita yang tertarik untuk sesuatu yang lebih. Because something flirting seperti perilaku halus dimana seorang lelaki mencoba mewarnai semua bentuk komunikasi ini dengan kuas yang besar, hanya untuk melihat apa yang mereka inginkan, benar? sebuah studi diperiksa dalam hal komunikasi nonverbal dalam 280 undergraduate students dalam suatu kelompok, didalamnya ada lelaki dan perempuan dengan rata-rata umurnya 20 tahun, murid-murid membuka foto laki dan wanita di layar komputer, mereka tidak bahkan tertarik dengan manusia yang real, and the subjects would then categorize each picture as friendly sexually interested, sad or rejecting, but it wasnt just that guys thought the smallest nonverbal cues were come-on the opposite was also found to be true, they also think that the woman's sexual advances are just them being friendly so sometimes they cant even tell the difference between friend and flirt and then flirt and friend, man whats wrong with us, sometimes when people are flirting those messages are just getting completely scrambled which is probably why its better to communicate more than less the study concluded that women categorized men's intentions more correctly but both men and women are going to benefit from talking it out rather than just making assumptions women are just better at picking it out of the crowd there is actually a way to turn interest or flirtatious behavior into a deep love connection as well in a study conducted by psychologist Arthur Aaron, all you have to do is ask a series of questions and then stare at someone not in a creepy way they have to stare at you too and they have to want to do this a series of questions exists according to Arthur Aaron that can make people fall in love, the idea is you become open and vulnerable at an accelerated rate, so, according to the study's author one key pattern associated with the development of a close relationship among peers is sustained escalating reciprocal personal self disclosure, let me say one more time sustained escalating reciprocal personal self disclosure, talk about yourself in increasing ways it makes you feel good and also is reciprocated over time after the questions were asked the two participants in the study were told to stare into each other's eyes for up to 4 minutes after that boom love baby this was a very highly reported study but interestingly, being in love, it doesnt mean you going to spend the rest of your life with that person.
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