Ini bersifat subjektif, sometimes kita mesti melihat dari banyak sudut pandang. We need to understand that everyone have their own stories behind everything. Tidak menyinggung siapapun. Share is caring:)
"Menasihati adalah hal yang tepat, judging isnt the right thing to do"
So many questions going in my head, kita coba telisik satu persatu, apakah hijab dibuat untuk memproteksi para wanita?
Quran 33:59
"O Prophet! Ask your wives, daughters, and believing women to draw their cloaks over their bodies. In this way it is more likely that they will be recognized as virtuous and not be harassed"
Jelas, di Alqur'an berisi bahwasanya hanya memperlihatkan tangan, kaki dan wajah. Its supposed to protect you from the opposite sex. Its no just like reflecting back, bukan hanya sekedar memakai hijab, tetapi misalnya memakai baju panjang to covering and like just dressing more modestly in general. Aku rasa itu bisa sangat membantu untuk memproteksi kita as a woman. Correct?
Qur'an 24:30
"Tell the believing men that they must lower their gazes and guard their private parts; its more decent for them. Surely Allah is All-aware of what they do"
I think its like 2 ways street, I think there are a lot of things mentioned for the other sex, lower your gaze and all that. But I do think it was meant as a protective measure in a certain way.
Aku percaya bahwa hijab bisa provide protection dalam banyak cara/hal, tapi disisi lain I dont think its created for the purpose of protection. Cause I do think hijab is so complicated. Kadang kita kenal dengan istilah khimar (headscarf) misalnya, many types of em.
Qur'an 24;31
"They should draw their khimar over their breasts and not display their beauty"
I think a bit more like the principle behind it, modesty and humility. Just like not being too outlandish. I dont think its super gendered. I feel like, the hijab is something that men in their way should be also observing. We should just preface it, like islam isnt the one dictating all this. But its literally like muslim culture.
Yes, exactly! Many times. By my friends. Actually I wore it up in a bun like combined to, then she actually was talking behind my back in a muslim community, talking like "Oh, she's crazy", and im like? But you have stories too, like I dont get it. Berbicara tentang agama memang sangat sensitif, thats personal things between me and Allah.
There's just been so many cases, at school I've had multiple times where people would, you know come from the back and be like "boooo" and then take off my scarf, pull it off. Thats like taking up a person's clothing, exactly, the way that I feel naked without it, like I felt so ashamed and I think thats just not right especially because I had to go to such a young age. But I wish that there are so many advantages of being a non-hijab than being a hijab.
The place that I live in right now, they're not openly racist. But they're kindly racist. This woman I remembered, I encountered at the grocery store, I was reaching for milk, she's like 'Sweetieeee... you live in this city right now, you dont have to wear that hijab". She thought she was doing me a favor and thats totally weird thing. Lol
Totally, I dont wanna fear to control me. The reason why I take it off and dont wear it, its just more personal reasons I guess, more than its the society's effect on me.
Yeah, I've to be honest like I experienced privilege not wearing hijab, sure! people dont see me as a muslim first and I've lived my whole life being seen as muslim first. When people say like why would you take it off or whatever, sometimes it happens whereas like you're totally tired of all of that and you want to be like not be identified is much better.
Hijab for me is definitely a struggle and a lot of hijabers struggle with hijab everyday and then we got the hate from inside the muslim community, the super progressive left feminist, not just all feminists but like you know, the exact ones and then we have every single other kind of person on the outside like take it off and you're like I want to, but im not going to, cause what? For some reason, its like if I take it off what am I really looking for, Im looking for a convenience but I shouldnt care bout those things. When I die, none of that will matter. Correct?
"Theres a lot of pressure to wear from ppl, there's lack of an informed decision based on my own ideals. I just wanted to get a clean state and find out for myself if it was my choice because I didnt get that opportunity"
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