Everything you need to know about relationship!
Dating right guys? Im totally wrong.
Ive been dating so many guys around, but what that supposed to mean is that I'm a total failure at relationships. And thats one way to look at it, but not the only way. Because what I think really happened is that I kept in relationship with the wrong person. No, its not that I didnt, its not that I choose bad guys. They were amazing men who are now in relationship to wonderful women who arent me.
My second, well we're friends on Facebook now. So, all is well that ends well, right? After the collapse of my second relationship in 2015, I realized that Ive been in relationship everyone in sight, except the one person that I really needed to marry in order to have a great relationship. And that once I married that person, all of my relationships would be successes, even the failures.
Since, we're talking today about women inventing, Im going to talk, discuss about inventing relationships, what Ive found through a lot of trial and obviously, many errors, to be the thing that has transformed my life and love and thats idea of marrying urself. So what does it mean to marry urself? Its a big idea. Its as big as marriage itself, except, if I could just summarize it. It would be that you enter into a relationship with yourself and then you put a ring on it. In other words, you commit to urself fully and then you build a relationship with yourself to the point where you realize that ure whole right now, that there is no man, job, circumstance that can happen to you thats going to make you more whole 'cause you already are and this changes your life.
By now, Im sure at least some of u are wonderin', why you should be listening to a three times failed in relationships. Talk about marriage? Even to herself and I understand that. Here's what I have to day about that : What ive learned and my experience is that the places where you have the biggest challenges in your life become the places where you have the most to give if you do your inner work. I kind of want to say that again: The places where you have the biggest challenges are the places where you have the most to give. So let me tell you a little bit about the person I truly needed to marry: myself.
The thing you need to know about my story is that I came out of that childhood with one goal: to never be left. The way I was going to do that is that I was going to get married. That was the way I was going to accomplish that goal. Wondering married, I was like I have a family, I belong somewhere, this is so wonderful. I left all my exes before and Im not proud to say that I did that, but in order to really marry urself, YOU HAVE TO GET SOMETIMES VERY PAINFULLY HONEST WITH YOURSELF about what its that uve done. So, im not proud of that.
So, Im looking one of my friend that I just want to described with a terrible track record of relationships and im like "Im supposed to marry him?". This is the man you want me to marry? And the answer is yes. Because here's the deal: The thing about marrying urself isnt just like cohabitating. Youre not just goin to date for a while and see how it turns out, ure goin to do this till death do you part, ure goin to take vows. So here are the vows:
"Ure goin to marry urself for richer or for poorer"
Talk about other things...
Being not good enough for someone who trying to change you. If we talk about misunderstood signals, hal pertama yang terbesit tentunya nothing to do with your spouse dan everything to do with you, pernyataan itu exactly tells bahwa seseorang secara emosional belum siap atau belum mampu berjalan dalam suatu hubungan. Artinya, kamu tidak harus bersama orang tersebut seberapa baiknya orang tersebut saat ini. I think Im not emotionally available. When I feel consistently less, when I feel lack of worth, when I feel lack of confidence, when I feel im not good enough for this guy, its not cause he's better than me but just thats the way I feel on that time. Artinya, Aku gak harus berada dalam hubungan macam ini. Karena 2 hal yang akan terjadi, akan membuat aku put on necessary pressure on that guy to validate things in me, that he can never validate, karena? You can, they can only come from within. He's gonna do it again and again. Bahkan bisa sampai candu. He does it the more you need for him to do it. Its never enough and he's eventually gonna get tired of it and he's going to be really pissed off about situation. But more than loose connection with you is that, thats part of what happens but also cause if I'm thinking right now that by being with someone, im going to get to feel more confident being with someone is going to shine a light on every insecurity. I dont mean I never have insecurities in me with someone, but if I feel like I have strong sense of lack of worth, I'll feel out of control. Sure, going to create a very painful situation.
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