West Sumatra is one of the provinces in Indonesia. It’s home to the Minangkabau ethnicity group. This province is located and part of Sumatra Island and Padang as its capital city. The Province of West Sumatra is located along the western coast of central Sumatra, the highlands of Bukit Barisan in the east, and a number of islands off its coast such as the Mentawai Islands. The Province of West Sumatra with its Minangkabau tribe has a diverse cultural wealth in each region. The Minangkabau culture itself is one of the two prominent and influential major cultures in the archipelago. This culture adheres to the matrilineal system both in terms of marriage, lineage, inheritance, and so on. One of the cultures in Minangkabau that has a uniqueness and philosophy that teaches the meaning and purpose of life in society is the traditional clothes that the bride wears in marriage.
The traditional wedding attire on the Coast of West Sumatra is influenced by four cultures, namely from the suntiang used by brides (daro children) influenced by Chinese culture. Suntiang always has an odd number in order to balance when used because the injection has a weight between 3.5 kg to 5 kg. The philosophy of the use of editing is that the weight used by women illustrates the severity of household responsibilities after marriage. Usually after using the original injection with a weight of 3.5 to 5 kg the bride's hair will fall out because it holds the load from suntiang. While the clothes worn by men are influenced by European (Portuguese) culture and the bride's clothes are influenced by Arab culture. For jewelry used by brides influenced by Indian culture.
The traditional wedding attire of Tanah Datar District (Sungayang, Lintau, Padang Magek). Tanah Datar District has three unique types of tingkuluak (female head cover), namely tingkuluak tinggi in the Sungayang area, tingkuluak balenggek in the Lintau area, and tingkuluak Padang Magek in the Padang Magek area. Tingkuluak balenggek is made of wood or gold, it is used as a symbol of nobility or social strata in the community. Tingkualuak padang mangek is made of sarong and mukenah, this is intended to make it easier for the wearer to perform prayer services when performing traditional ceremonies.
The traditional wedding attire of Solok Selatan Regency. In South Solok Regency the equipment is called Kakondai. The groom wears a male head covering called ikek where ikek is made of a combination of fabric and gold. Ikek himself has a philosophy that when a man has proposed a woman means that he has tied the woman as his wife and he has the responsibility for his family. In Solok Selatan there is no identical form or type of clothing, only wearing a coat and scarf. the characteristic of the clothes used are orange.
The conclusion is that from the three traditional wedding attire from different regions, they have their own uniqueness and philosophy. The use of traditional clothing in areas in West Sumatra is influenced by a variety of cultures, ethnicities, beliefs and geographical regions and customs in the area.

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